Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Twitter Removes 140-Character Limit From Direct Messages (DMs)

Twitter has removed the 140 character limit on its Direct Message, the social networking site announced on Wednesday, August 12th. According to Twitter, the change is another step toward making the private side of Twitter even more powerful and fun.
“While Twitter is largely a public experience, Direct Messages let you have private conversations about the memes, news, movements, and events that unfold on Twitter. Each of the hundreds of millions of Tweets sent across Twitter every day is an opportunity for you to spark a conversation about what’s happening in your world. That’s why we’ve made a number of changes to Direct Messages over the last few months. Today’s change is another big step towards making the private side of Twitter even more powerful and fun.” says the club in a blog post.
Public timelines will remain restricted to 140 characters.
You may update your Twitter app to observe the new change while third party apps will be updated in coming weeks.

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Twitter Removes 140-Character Limit From Direct Messages (DMs)
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