Leadership, whether spiritual or secular, has a divine origin. It is not always the preserve of the novice or the ignorant; if not, anarchy and confusion would reign. Societies governed and led by nitwits and “children”, as it were, hardly progress. Others with sufficiently prepared leaderships make profound marks in the comity of nations.
Woe betides a nation, whose president (king) is a “child” and the governors, senators and
parliamentarians “eat in the morning”. When leaders of a nation are physically, mentally and spiritually immature and incapable, problems and challenges will pile up to a point where they appear insurmountable. When leaders are being led by the people they are supposed to be leading and guiding, the stage is set for social and political disorder.
Also, when church administration is left in the hands of “children” and “those that eat in the morning”, only God can save that church from implosion. When mediocres and upstarts find their way to positions of authority in the church, through favouritism, the stage is set for the infiltration of devil’s agents and activities.
When the father in the home is cowered and intimidated by his wife and children, such that he is unable to exercise minimal correction and discipline in his family, the members of that family will turn out as delinquents in the long run. When a businessman decides to place “children” and “those that eat in the morning”, in his management team, he will soon be filing for bankruptcy. The blessedness of a nation, society, church, family and business emanates from mature, capable, effective, and efficient leadership, controlled by the Spirit of God. Take advantage of the fulness of God in Christ to be whom God wants you to be.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: A society governed by a tiny thought is primed for failure.
Sermon: Maturity Through Christ