Friday, 7 August 2015

LADIES! Three Easy Steps On How To Avoid Lipstick Leakage

Nothing is more annoying than a lipstick stain on the edge of your lips and when you try to get rid of it, you end up making a mess of your lipstick and then you have to start all over again.
Although Nigeria ladies are actually learning fast in the area of facial beautification and make up in general, but one thing seems to be falling out of place, which is the application of a flawless lipstick. Therefore this brings us to the three easy steps that can be attempted with ease and you don’t have to bother about spending a dime.
1. Avoid Dry Lipstick
First of all dry lipstick is not a bad ideal but it’s very disturbing when you apply it and then it doesn’t give you any chance to ma$$age it before it becomes totally strong. Am of the opinion that whenever you want to shop for your lipstick remove your mind totally from it.
Try using a lipstick that has a little bit of oil In order to lay it well on your lips.
2. Make use of an eye pencil to line your lips or a lip liner
This step is a said to be a necessity and not just an option, reasons being that the use of the eye pencil will help you know the boundaries at which your lipstick can go. A quick glance at the photo above will give you a better picture of what am trying to clarify here.
The magic behind any flawless lipstick application is the eyepencil liner, it should practically be the first process anything time you consider your self a lipstick.
3. Avoid the use of lips gloss on your lipstick
Seriously! It’s beats my imagination on how some ladies apply both lipstick and gloss together, because they do not perform the same function at all. The lipstick varies and most especially has vitamins with a little bit of all to give it that calm feeling on the lips and do not need to be enhanced by a lipgloss.
While the lip gloss can be applied on its own and does not need to be added to a lipstick except on special occasions like when you try to smoothing a very dry lipstick aside this reason the application of a lipgloss on a lipstick is a total make up error.
So, with this am sure the ladies out There can easily adjust to this easy steps like I said before you don’t even have to bother about getting a helping hand before you can perfect the application of a flawless lipstick.

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LADIES! Three Easy Steps On How To Avoid Lipstick Leakage
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