Sunday, 2 August 2015

Ladies, Please Run Away From Guys That Act These Ways!

A lot of times, we do things in the name of love or winning over a lady. But an average Nigerian lady really intepretes most of these gestures as desperation, lack of self worth or plain foolishness.
If you do any of these, you might want to think again especially if you are not married;
1. Telling a lady you can die for her: This is just an expression of low self worth. A lot of ladies are are beginning to see through these deceptive lines. At the end of the day, they discover that the guy cannot even kill a cockroach for them. Those words are just means to a selfish end.
2. Travelling thousands of miles just to meet someone you saw on the net: A right thinking person would not embark on this journey. Anything can upload any pix on the net and claim to be that. Even when it eventually becomes who you think it is, the lady might not say it, but she knows you are another mugu on the loose.
3. ‘I love you pa$$ my mother': As strange as this sounds, some guys still say it to a lady. Ladies if a guy tells you this, please kick him out your house and life, he doesn’t love you. If you have a cane and can flog him, do that as well too. Thanks in advance.
4. Describing ex in worst words: Well I guess if you are not reserved with him, he might even describe you worse with his next lady. If you break up with a lady, old things are pa$$ed away, and all things have become new, don’t think you can buy your lady’s heart by painting your ex with despicable terms. If she is shrewd, she will refuse you.
If you want to win a lady’s heart, you need not do these thing because the valuable ones will see you as very cheap. You are not cheap anyway but please don’t act that way. Thanks.
Copyright2015 AwesomelyMade

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Ladies, Please Run Away From Guys That Act These Ways!
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