The Bible offers a whole package of counsels to young folks and older ones too. The complains God gets to receive are so because most of the times, humans either are ignorant, nonchalant or disobedient.
I hate all form of molestation to the core. It’s sinful. Those involved in it are heartless. Yes! God knowing all that then warned, “Keep yourself from the wickedness in the world”, don’t channel blames, be smart and run for your life. You have just one life to live.
Why Is R^pe A Sin?
First and foremost, it is forcing yourself on someone AGAINST THEIR WILL. God Himself never forced humans to accept Christ. That’s why Love has no trace of force in it. The formula of Love should be: Love= Patience × Kindness.
If any guy or lady forces him/herself on another, such should be punished by the law.
If it’s not against their will, it’s not R@PE!
See: Adam and Eve were not “R@PED” by the serpent. They were not forced into disobeying God that’s why God did punish them likewise. They mutually consented to the lies of Satan- They did, against all arguments, they did. They got served as a product of one act of flirtation. You and I are witnesses
I’m very selective when it comes to visiting ladies myself. Don’t look surprised when I say I have turned down some Invitation Offers & Appeals, because I see ahead! But some ladies, whether they don’t o or wants to actually commit you into their lives, I dunno!
Note: MY PERSPECTIVE IN THIS THREAD IS SEEING IT THROUGH GOD’S EYES. If you’re not going to see it that way, don’t misquote. Today na Sunday.
1. Embrace Godliness
Godliness is the act of obeying God’s command in everything you do. If God says, “Abstain from fornication and its likes”. Abstain! If you don’t, there are usually consequences. (This doesn’t JUSTIFY the act) There is punishment to the offender(like the serpent was punished) but then you’ve been affected (A whole generation was affected through Adam’s negligence and blame pa$$ing).
Do your part and God WILL protect you. I know godly a girl who could have been a victim but her godliness saved. It’s a long story- the man’s manhood dropped like a pack of cards suddenly! The next morning, the non sense man called her a “witch”. Haha! What people can’t demystify, they mystify, lol! She only did bind his manhood in Jesus Name. God saw her INNERMOST HEART DESIRE & PRAYER then came in to help (He searches the heart, remember. Not the mouth)
2. Don’t visit a male unless you’re so sure of him.
Oh, while I was in the university, I had this circle of girl friends in my estate then. They sleep in my room. We laugh and play like siblings. We are so sure of ourselves. They don’t need anyone to preach “r@pe” to them when it gets to us. The same with you, ladies. Don’t visit a guy unless you’re at least, 75% sure of him. Many chicks like experiment, that’s where they meet their waterloo.
3. Dress decently always.
Yea, they’ll say, “what concerns anyone with my mode of dressing”. I can state with facts that the wife of Potiphar actually lusted after Joseph because he had a “good stature” and was good to look upon. (6 packs plenty). In those days, servants don’t wear shirt again. She almost lured the young man. So, your dressing is important too. “You shouldn’t wear a tiny, flabby skirt to visit a guy you know is s€xually active”It is just COMMON SENSE. Should that one be taught you? I thought they now have “tights”?
If you are “very courageous” (big b**bs), Wisdom says “Don’t advertise it by using weak or no bra”. What people advertise is a clue to what they want to give. Do you want to give it? Some times, they wear buttoned shirt and you know that those “pawpaws” would want to peep- MY POINT IS, Use Wisdom rather than complaining unnecessarily.
4 Read the handwriting on the wall and follow its signal.
Especially in the scenario where a girl visits a guy; you go to his house and the posters on his walls are that of Unclad women. Maybe, you see him as a S€x Addict and YET, he is the only one in that whole department qualified to be your READING MATE! Hmmm…I laugh in Hispanics! Only you waka come! Enough handwriting in the sick wall, ceiling and door yet you ignore it.
God always give signals and warnings. THAT DOESN’T JUSTIFY R@PE- the law will punish him if caught, but your insensitivity and inaction can have you pay a huge personal price.
5. Check your inner circle of friends.
Perhaps, you are like me, who condemn every form of molestation.
You should be like me too in the friends you keep. Your friends (who are into you) are drunks, clubbers and smokers and you- a faithful, innocent girlfriend of theirs opens your door for them late in the night. I do not condemn anyone but I think you’re at the risk of getting laid, against your PERFECT WILL, some day.
You should be like me too in the friends you keep. Your friends (who are into you) are drunks, clubbers and smokers and you- a faithful, innocent girlfriend of theirs opens your door for them late in the night. I do not condemn anyone but I think you’re at the risk of getting laid, against your PERFECT WILL, some day.
It all happens fast but trust me, the friends you harbour can hurt you more. Remember the age long maxim, “keep your enemies close but your friends closer”. Friendship is a burden, sometimes.
6. The average male gives money for s€x, you CAN’T re-invent the will. Don’t try to- Flee!
Speaking of PERFECT WILL, most girls are living with a guy and allowing s€x because of the money he has and that is not their PERFECT WILL. The money is covering up for all that. I was by a suya spot one evening, a young, grown up girl came by and jokingly pleaded the malam to give her some “free” suya, that malarm openly asked her if she will open her legs. Yes, he is not learned, unexposed and all.
I later bought for her, free. No strings. Not everyone is like me. Many girls are opening their legs for their dinner. They don’t have a will talk less of having s€x against their will. This topic is highly relative, ok.
7. Don’t Visit A Guy Whose Presence Causes You “heat”- Don’t deceive yourself.
Still buttressing, you can’t deceive yourself- EMOTION IS HOT, KNOWLEDGE IS COLD. You can’t step on hot coals and expect not to be burnt. Life is not a movie theatre. You ain’t Usher (walking on live coals). I know my “soft spot” honestly. In a normal day, there is something I’ll see in a lady that may move me. I shouldn’t be behind a closed door with such. You should also avoid such UNHOLY MEETINGS. Anything can happen in such scenes. Have you ever had s€x and be feeling bad you had it? That s€x came about due to your IMPERFECT & WEAK WILL. The guy touches the girl, she says “No please.” He does it again, “No, stop it!” But she still sits on the bed seriously watching a movie…hmm! If s€x happens and she calls it “r@pe”, what do you say to that? You stand up and walk out. He begs and apologizes. In fact, don’t even visit at all!
“Avoid all appearances all evil”, the Bible warned.
From day 1, your heart if it’s in your hand, will tell you (with time) if a guy can hurt or r@pe you and you will streamline your relationship with such a person.
CONCLUSION: R^pe is evil. It is committed by heartless people. The law punishes everyone indulging in it. R@pe is FORCING yourself to have s€x with someone. In r@pe, more often than not, the girl screams and wants to run by any loop. If she is on the bed, enjoying and asking for more. Is that r@pe? That’s IMPERFECT S€X. It’s not R@pe because you were not COERCED as you failed to heed to these SEVEN WISDOM TIPS.
7 Biblical Ways To Avoid Being R@p3d (MUST-READ)