Tuesday, 11 August 2015

5 Reasons You Should Be Your Own Boss

Be Your Own Boss
Gone are those days when being your own boss was considered risky and the safest route was to get a good job in a large firm. Now, working for yourself has become the new job security.
But we all know that as an entrepreneur, you become the master of your own destiny.
It doesn’t matter if you’re in a big city or small town. Entrepreneurship is an equal-opportunity employer and web tools make it possible to run a fully competitive business from anywhere. Here are five good reasons why you should be self employed

You Get To Control Your Income
Working for yourself will help you dictate the amount you will earn, when to pay yourself and when to top up your allowance. Working for someone else really limits your earning capacity and some companies will expect you to work harder than ever with no extra incentive. Why put up with this when you can work equally hard but reap financial rewards for your efforts? Your earning capacity is limitless when you work for yourself. The advantage is the fact that you keep every dime that you make, you might as well get to spend less and your salary is not capped by any employer.
You Get To Set Your Own Working Hours
You get to your office as so desired, leave as you wish and you don’t get scolded by any boss. You set your own working hours and schedule. Setting your own hours is a huge advantage of working for yourself. You know yourself best and you’ll be able to build a schedule that’s most efficient for you. If you want to work really hard one day, and take a half day the next day, that’s perfectly fine when you’re self-employed. You can work all night and sleep all day if that’s your personal preference.

You Can’t Be Sacked
Sack Letter
Sack Letter
You can never be fired when you are working for yourself and its a great reason why you should be your own boss. You can decide within yourself at anytime about some certain business opportunities, but that might just be shifting the focus of your business, you can never fire yourself. This takes a certain amount of burden off your shoulders because you don’t need to worry about someone suddenly taking away your income or telling you that you come late, not properly dressed and you get fired whereas you are doing a superb job for him or her.

You Are Responsible For Your Own Success
When you are working for yourself, you will always have it at the back of your mind that you are responsible for your own success or failure so you will try to work hard in order to be successful. If you’re self-employed you can truly make a difference when you start your own business, the success of the business lies on your shoulders. When you work for a any corporation, it’s easy to mix in with the rest of the employees and feel like it doesn’t even matter whether or not you show up to work somedays. You’ll have to work hard when you’re self-employed, you really matter in every aspect because its your personal business. You don’t need to give account to anyone except yourself and this will help build self-confidence, self-respect and be highly motivated.
You Will Become More Enlightened
Working for yourself will help you become wiser, experienced and knowledgeable. Though it requires a lot of determination, self-discipline and self-control to being your own boss in order to push through all barriers, obstacles and setbacks. It might be difficult at the initial stage, even friends and family might try to discourage you when setting up the business but over time you will learn and grow from those setbacks; you will learn what works and what doesn’t. You will become wiser and more resilient in both your business and personal life. Most day jobs have set tasks, and often, it’s a matter of repeatedly doing the same thing. Not only is this boring, but it also fails to teach you anything new.

Becoming an entrepreneur entails you to wear many hats such as product development, marketing, sales, customer service, accounting, etc. Over time you will slowly develop a keen business sense, which will result in you becoming a more confident and successful entrepreneur in life.

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5 Reasons You Should Be Your Own Boss
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