Saturday, 8 August 2015

11 Signs You Should Quit Your Job

We’ve all struggled with our motivation to go to work from time to time – the alarm goes off and we go, “Ugh, not again!” In fact, until we’ve had our coffee, it’s as if the human race hasn’t evolved at all.
(I don’t think I end up saying coherent syllables until 10 a.m.) But what if it’s more than that? What if that heavy sense of dread about work follows you everywhere you go? Does that mean it’s time to leave your job?
You’d think a job that makes us feel awful would be easy to leave, but for many of us it’s not the case. Either we feel it’s impossible to find something better, or we worry that if we leave, we’ll end up in a worse position than we’re in now. Here’s what I’ve learned: no job is ever worth your health. In fact, nothing is! Yet our need for financial survival constantly gets the best of us. It’s time to start doing what it takes to get a grip on your well-being.
Here are 11 signs you should leave your job:
1. You dread going to work in the morning.
If when your alarm goes off you feel compelled to start sobbing into your pillow, it’s seriously time to rethink your job status. Dig deep and look at what’s really bothering you: Is it a specific chunk of tasks you have to accomplish? Is it not what you work on, but who you work with? Or are you just bored by the monotony? Getting specific about your dread will help you figure out what to do – whether it be discussing new opportunities with your boss, or deciding to leave your job entirely for opportunities elsewhere.
2. You have absolutely no interest in the work you’re doing.
There’s nothing more draining than a job that has nothing to do with your ultimate goals or personal interests. Regardless of what you’re being paid, you’ll never fully enjoy your life or reach your full potential if you’re saddled with so much apathy – it will eventually spill into other areas of your life and dim those as well.
3. Your job is so routine, it’s become boring.
If your workday has become so monotonous you’re constantly fighting boredom, it’s time to seriously consider moving on. If you’ve talked to your boss and either there’s no follow-through on the promise of change or the changes aren’t shifting how you feel, then it’s a good indicator it’s time to leave your job.
4. You feel stuck
If you feel like you’ve learned all there is to learn in your job or moving up the ladder has not fulfilled you in any way, bust out the want ads.
5. You’re concerned about the financial stability of your company.
Even though after rounds of lay-offs you’re still standing, you are now left with a permanent feeling of uneasiness.
6. You’re not “you” anymore.
You’ve lost your “spark.” Instead of looking forward to your day, your only focus is surviving it.
7. You’re noticing physical changes because of the stress
Where and how we work impacts our body. If you’re losing or gaining weight, experiencing excruciating body pain, anxiety attacks or consistent feelings of melancholy, it’s time to reflect and consider other options.
8. Your boss needs an exorcism.
If your boss leaves you in a permanent state of panic – so much so that you’re losing sleep and experiencing constant feelings of inadequacy – run! Run away screaming! Especially if they’ve been approached about these issues before and are in complete denial
9. You’ve entered a spiral of negativity.
If you’ve lost the will to care and are putting zero effort into not just your work, but how you dress, act, or complete the smallest of tasks, there’s no doubt it’s time for a change
10. You have no time for yourself.
If you’re working so many late nights you don’t feel like a person anymore, leave your job and find one that allows you to have time for yourself. What’s the point of making a living if you don’t have time to actually live?
11. You feel like an outcast.
If you don’t fit in with how your company operates, or don’t believe in what you’re doing and it makes you uncomfortable, it’s time to move on. I’m not naive – I know leaving your job is one of the hardest decisions to make, never mind actions to take, but your health and well-being depend on it.
You know what’s scarier than leaving your job? Staying!

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11 Signs You Should Quit Your Job
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