Friday, 12 June 2015

Peter And Paul Okoye Reveal Why They Dont go to Church Anymore SInce 2007

It may come as a surprise but the Okoye brothers has revealed that they have not entered any church for good 8 years. They also claim that their refusal to go to church did not affect their close relation ship to God.
According to Nigeriancamera, they said thus:

”Each time we attend, other worshipers would not listen to the Pastor’s sermon again. All eyes will just be on us. Instead of praying, some people will even decide to be starring at us. We were not comfortable with that and thought we were distracting a lot of people from serving their God, so we said to ourselves that we should stop going. All men are equal before God, so we don’t encourage people to abandon their primary purpose of being in church because of us.

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Peter And Paul Okoye Reveal Why They Dont go to Church Anymore SInce 2007
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